Come on, we know what some clients think about us. They think all creatives live in the cloud 9 and don’t think any shit about selling products, only about making their art. We know this is bullshit, but in other words, they think we kind of suck. And to be honest, sometimes our behavior make them completely right. Some times, even we think we suck. We spend so much time criticizing other people’s works, than we forget about doing ours properly.
Every creative team has its ups and downs. But in the long term, creatives are making clients more enjoyable for all customers, because these clients see the opportunity behind the idea and decide to take action. But before the clients take action, creatives need to stop figuring out and start to stand out. Start being courageous and truely innovative. Join me for a presentation that will showcase the secrets that keep my creative team on fire and how we show our clients how to be brave
and blame us if the idea in the end, well, suck.